The Long and Winding Road

With apologies to Paul McCartney, the winding road I have in mind for this blog is not to your door but to the 2016 elections in the US. For one reason or another, we seem to be off to an earlier and stranger start than is usually the case. The impetus for this blog post was an article in Salon by Heather Cox Richardson about the intellectual battle for the soul of the Republican Party. The article caught my attention because I started my political life as an “Eisenhower Republican” while I was still too young to vote. I liked . . . → Read More: The Long and Winding Road

Global, Specific, and More

One of the metaprograms of NLP, the “Scope Metaprogram,” is about the tendency of individuals to prefer a “Global” or a “Specific” perspective. At least theoretically, those with a Global preference focus on the “Big Picture” or the “End Result,” while those with a Specific perspective are more concerned with the details, especially with the first step. Some tasks, such as completing a jigsaw puzzle, are best accomplished by using one approach, while others seem to require the Big Picture approach encapsulated with Covey’s “habit” of “Beginning with the End in Mind.”

I suspect that experienced jigsaw puzzlers could . . . → Read More: Global, Specific, and More