Posted August 8, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Ambiguous Moth

Sacred Stories

“Do you know what kind of moth this is?” she asked, texting a photo to her sister.

Within moments her sister had sent an identification link to the Ambiguous Moth.

These moths had been coming into their master bedroom every night — entering from the former screen porch that was being transformed into her husband’s art studio.

Her husband spent the next day filling in all the entry gaps, and the following morning they were thrilled to wake to a bedroom free of their ambiguous friends.

Coming in after a few minutes outside this was on his back:

Moth medicine meaning: Moth medicine’s meaning is resurrection and transformation. A moth represents tremendous change, but it also seeks the light. Thus, moth spiritual meaning is to trust the changes that are happening and that freedom and liberation are around the corner.

Perhaps not so ambiguous after all….

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