Posted September 16, 2019 in Sacred Stories

August 10

Sacred Stories

He had for years lived in what had been his mother’s home. The time had come for him to sell it and move nearer his daughter. He had received an offer on the home a week or so earlier, pending inspection and financing.

Early one morning he was at the laundromat doing his laundry. Usually he was the only patron there, with just the attendant. This day, a couple was also there. He overheard their conversation—about their having put an offer on a house. He thought they were describing his home.

Approaching the group, he asked about the location of the home they had put the offer on, and then exclaimed, “You are buying my home!”

What a small world….

Later that day he located the deed and noticed the couple had put their offer on the home on August 10, the exact date his mother had purchased the home years earlier.

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