Posted July 9, 2016 in Sacred Stories

Become a Priest

Sacred Stories

She purposely avoided engaging with the man entering the church just as she was leaving. She had never seen him before, and she was in a hurry to meet someone.

She pushed on the door. It did not budge.

Assuming that the right side door was locked already, her thought was to step left to go out the door the stranger had just entered.

Although you might think she made this up, or that she was delusional, she knows when she is being “stopped in her tracks” by God.

“Go find that man who just came in, and give him a message for me. Tell him I want him to become a priest.”

Following that inner guidance, she found the man and gave him the message. He was moved to tears and thanked her.

As she left the building and was about to get into her car, her cell phone rang. It was the friend she was scheduled to meet.

Her friend excitedly exclaimed, “The most amazing thing just happened! I was with my friend this morning. He was very distressed, trying to determine if he was to take over his family business or go to seminary to become a priest. I sent him over to the church, knowing the service was over, but the doors would still be open. He just called to say some woman walked up to him, said she had received a message for him, and that God wanted him to become a priest.”

We don’t always receive such immediate confirmation. The man had come to that church solely to pray, seeking discernment about the question she had been directed to deliver an answer to!

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