Posted February 7, 2024 in Sacred Stories

Business Plan - Jaxx

They were text chatting about mindfulness and Buddhism, and the mind states of greed, when he told her he was starting a real estate business, with the name Jaxx in it.

She sent some information about the Buddhist practice of Muditā, a dharmic concept of joy, particularly an especially sympathetic or vicarious joy—the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people’s well-being. The traditional paradigmatic example of this mind-state is the attitude of a parent observing a growing child’s accomplishments and successes.

She asked him if a slight change from thinking “I” must make this work to knowing “the universe” can make this work for the good of all beings lessens any fear for him. He said it did.

Spontaneously, she searched for the spiritual meaning of the word Jaxx and this came up:

In the Bible, it is the short form of Jaxon, meaning “God is gracious.”

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