Posted February 3, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Cricket Communication

Sacred Stories

As she was driving, she heard a weird sound inside her car. The sound really got her attention.

When she stopped and parked, she saw a cricket on the passenger seat. Laughing to herself, she remembered that crickets are considered to be good luck totems.

She set the cricket free, and continued to laugh while telling several others of her encounter.

An hour later she learned someone very dear to her had passed three days earlier.

She immediately had the wondering, “Might he have orchestrated the visiting cricket to soften the news?”

Cricket Totem Meaning

Happiness and good luck. The cricket is a symbol of happiness and good luck in many cultures around the world. As a totem animal, the cricket is a bringer of good luck into your life. If you are blessed to have this insect as your totem, you are most likely a very fortunate and happy person.

You spread your enthusiasm all around you. The cricket as your totem protects you and your home from bad fortune.

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