Posted September 9, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Dr. Silverman

Sacred Stories

Her mom had been taken to ER the evening before. The following afternoon, they finally got her transferred to a room.

They were waiting for a cardiologist to see her mom.

Following a heart attack, her mom had worked with a cardiologist 20 years earlier. Doctor Silverman and her mom became close over the years, until a couple years ago when he no longer had to see her. Dr. Silverman was always inspired by her mom.

Her mom was really hoping that somehow he would be the one on call but they were at a HUGE Medical Center and the chances were minimal.

She had tried to ask nurses in the ER, but the ER was super busy. No one got around to talking to her about her mom’s preference.

She and her husband were walking through the halls while her mom was being wheeled on a cart to her room. She overheard her mom say, “That was Dr. Silverman.”

Dr. Silverman was talking on the phone when he passed them, but he had heard his name and he came back. He asked her who the patient was that had spoken his name.

Even though it had been several years, Dr. Silverman recognized her mom’s name right away.

She explained that her mom was really hoping Dr. Silverman could be the cardiologist to see her.

Dr. Silverman said, “I will do my best!”


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