Posted August 10, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Furry Friend

Sacred Stories

They were traveling from Florida, where they had wintered, back to their Northern home. It was a stressful even for both of them, but even more so for her, given his physical limitations from the strokes. His wheelchair was where an aisle seat would normally be. She was seated next to him in the middle seat.

As their aisle-mate approached, motioning with her head, she said, “Obviously he cannot move for you so I guess you will have to climb over both of us.”

She is one who gets chatty when nervous, unlike the easy quiet she finds other times.

He looked at both of them, then handed her a small black dog. “Well, I guess you will have to hold him for me until I get settled.”

She willingly took the dog, and instantly felt herself slide into the present moment.

Holding the dog calmed her right down.

By the time their seat mate had settled himself in beside her, she said to him, “I am sorry, but you can’t have him back.”

“You may hold him until he has to go into the case under the seat for takeoff.”

She contentedly smiled down at her furry friend curled up on her lap. Life was once again giving her the perfect support.

Be sure to notice when this is happening for you, too….


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