Posted August 9, 2021 in Sacred Stories

I Know She is With Me Now – White Butterfly

Sacred Stories

They attended an amazing celebration of life for one of his school friends.

The woman had died of cancer in February 2020 while hospital visits were curtailed by Covid and her wishes were that her family celebrate with a fish fry when possible.

She must have been a truly lovely woman, inside and out. There were over 60 attending and this was the second celebration!

Her family gave beautiful tributes to her and her daughter concluded with this story:

“As Mom was preparing to leave, I begged her to come and be with me from the other side. We agreed she would come as a white butterfly so I would know for sure. For a long time I watched for her and prayed for her to comfort me, but no butterfly. Then last month I spotted one in my kitchen. I asked it to let me know for sure it was her. It came and fluttered up and down one arm and then the other. Then she came close to my face and just fluttered there! She flew to a bouquet I had on the table and I ran to get my phone for a picture but she was gone when I returned. I know she’s with me now”.

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