Posted January 12, 2021 in Sacred Stories

“I’ll Never Bark Again!”

Sacred Stories

Gathered with a spiritual group on Zoom, the teacher asked us to pay attention to how we experience when we meet someone, such as walking down the street or in the hall of the facility where she lives. She said to bring to mind someone or something we find very pleasant and notice how it feels to have your energy centers (chakras) open. Set that feeling aside. Then bring someone or something to mind that we find very unpleasant and notice how it feels to have your energy centers (chakras) contract. Set that feeling aside. Then she said to step back and notice the contrast.

“When open, my energy spirals outward…. When contracted, it spins inward and feels tight,” one member commented.

The conversation slipped easily to old habit patterns of contracting, not being skillful, getting emotionally triggered and reacting to others and events.

One member of the group commented that it is helpful to remember we humans, too, are mammals. When a dog gets startled or feels threatened or wants/needs something, it will bark. Barking is normal!

So often humans judge others or ourselves as not doing it right, not being good enough, or in some way being inferior because we bark. Barking is normal for dogs and humans.

Perhaps we will all benefit by remembering the humor in a dog’s setting an intention, “I’ll never bark again!”

Then another member of the group asked to share something. “Here is evidence that everything is connected. I want you to see what I put in my sketch book today.”

Here is a photo of that sketch:

Ha! After all, dog is god spelled backwards!

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