Posted July 1, 2013 in Uncategorized


Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

~ Moshe Dayan, Defense Minister of Israel

Of course, fireworks have come to be used for many occasions for celebration, but for those in the United States, July fireworks are long-time reminders of freedom and independence. Many communities get a jump start on Independence Day, lighting up the night sky on July 3. Others schedule their display on the Fourth. Whatever your plans, July is a month to pay attention to and experience appreciation for your personal freedom and independence.


In Conversations: Freedom Is Everything & Love Is All the Rest, Owen Fitzpatrick quotes Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): “Personal freedom is the ability to feel what you want so that chains of the free—of fear, sadness, and hate—are broken. Real personal freedom is about being able to go through and break as many of these chains that you possibly can. These chains are made up of negative feelings, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors. It’s about being able to build the kinds of internal states that take people to good places through curiosity.” (p. 27)

This summer, Joel and Debra are both experiencing many changes. It is helpful to be curious about change. Curiosity takes away the fear, that is for sure. Last summer we were on the road to Lexington and Chicago and North Carolina. Our conversations now include ideas about apps and e-books and video trainings.

More from Richard Bandler in Conversations, “What’s important to remember is what you are freeing yourself to do. It is one thing to free yourself, but it’s also important that you do so to make your life happier and more successful and to improve the world in whatever way you can.” (p.31)

While celebrating—whether or not you go see some fireworks— we can be sure to use the bright lights and the big booms as a pattern interrupt to break those chains of fear and sadness and hate. That means you really have something to celebrate, doesn’t it…

P.S. We have a few copies of the first-published version—the really big book version of Conversations. They retail for $40, and shipping is a bit costly, and whether you are buying a gift for yourself or for another, you will be inspired. Call/write now to (269) 921-2217 or to order your copy.

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