Posted November 10, 2022 in Sacred Stories

Lord Only Knows

Sacred Stories

After much unknown — whether or not they would be going to Florida for the winter following the devastation of the community where they had been going for over a decade — an alternate location was secured and dates for departure set. They would be leaving in a mere 10 days and there was sooooo much to do.

She sent a text message to their niece,”We would love to see you and your mom (their sister-in-love), and Lisa (their other niece) and her mom (their other sister-in-love) before we head south. I know it is short notice, but wondering if tomorrow might be an option. Checking with you and your mom before reaching out to Lisa and her mom. Up there or somewhere down here…. I guess Lisa would be working so maybe some time for either a collaborative meal, or a meal out, or just a welcome visit.”

“Either day is open for me. I have an appointment from 11-noon, but I am open after that,” came Krista’s response. “I will check with mom.”

“Mom has a hair appointment but that should be done by 9:30, so tomorrow works for her, too.”

Lisa’s quick reply was such a beautiful blessing: “That works for me, I have the day off work tomorrow. Let’s meet in the middle!”

And then an affirmative, “That sounds good to me,” from Lisa’s mom.

If they had tried to plan a day to fit into everyone’s schedule, Lord only knows when that would have been.

Yes, Lord only knows….

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
~ Philippians 4:6

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