Posted April 27, 2020 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

A woman was sharing the origin of the grief journey group that had gathered for the first time via ZOOM. This group had been meeting for about twenty years.

The group had been started to support a man, with a young son, following the transition of his wife. He had attended a more formal grief group, but he found he was not comfortable sharing some of the experiences he was having.

His wife had discovered she had advanced ovarian cancer during the cesarean birth of her son. In her final days, he and his wife had discussed the possibility of her communicating with him from the Afterlife. She had settled on a Red-tailed hawk as a way he would know it was a visit from her.

Ten days after his wife left this earthly plane, he and his 6-year-old son were at home when this red-tail hawk flew up to their backyard fence and just sat there looking into their house.

At the same time the woman was sharing the story of the wife’s “hawk visit” with the group, the husband was writing to the woman via Facebook Messenger about something else. Never previously had this woman received a message from him via Messenger.

Those who love us, obviously really do continue to communicate with us from the Afterlife…. Long after life.

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