Posted March 22, 2020 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

A text came from a Michigan friend, also wintering in Florida. Everyone is navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

“BTW – Any connections locally for finding a mask for an ailing friend-of-a-friend who needs to fly home next week?”

She asked her husband if he had seen a mask in the shed of the homeowner. He had not. Nor had she.

“Let me ask,” she responded before quickly sending an email to one of the moderators of a Facebook page for the local community during the pandemic. Then she went out to the shed.

There, on a hook behind a saw blade, was one single perfectly clean, unused, mask. Looking closely, this mask was the suggested rating: N-95.

She sent a text message to the home owner, explaining the need of the mask and asking permission to pass it along. The home owner graciously said the person could have it!

She quickly took a photo of the mask, sent it via text message to her friend who had made the request, sharing where the mask had been located so quickly.

“Verrrry interesting,” her friend replied.

“A SACRED STORY for sure! Please let your friend know,” she added.

“Are you offering it?” came the inquiry.

“OF COURSE. THIS mask is for your friend’s friend.”

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