Posted May 12, 2022 in Sacred Stories

New Patient Visit

Sacred Stories

Receiving a text message from their friend informing them a mutual friend was holding an estate sale (the friend’s dad had recently passed), the husband and wife dropped everything and went to the sale. It would be wonderful if they could get a new watering can.

While at the estate sale, the friend inquired how the husband was doing following his recent hospitalization for a TIA (often called a mini-stroke). The wife expressed frustration that they been seen by the physician’s assistant but had not yet seen the neurologist and were not scheduled to. The husband had an acute low blood pressure event during that visit and the husband had been taken by ambulance from the office to the Emergency Room.

Their friend said, “Come with me into the house. Let’s call now and see if we can get him in.” As it turns out, their friend is a very close friend of the receptionist at that neurologist’s office.

Following social pleasantries and dinner plans for next week, the friend filled the receptionist in about the husband. The receptionist recognized the husband’s name — her husband and the patient were business colleagues! The receptionist knows the patient as well. “Small world,” the receptionist said, before continuing, “I am so sorry, but we don’t have a new patient visit with the doctor until August.”

They agreed to an appointment for the following day with the physician’s assistant they had seen the week prior.

“Oh, I think I am seeing a miracle occur right before my eyes,” the receptionist exclaimed. “Oh, no, sorry…. so, so, sorry.”

Then, “Oh, wait, wait… A new patient visit with the doctor at 9:00 am tomorrow just cancelled! Can he make that?”

They assured the receptionist they could indeed make that new patient visit with the doctor.

With great gratitude they hugged their friend, and as they got into their car to drive home, the wife said, “Obviously it was not about a sprinkling can.”

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