Posted May 18, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Surrogate Bubble

Sacred Stories

She was attending a workshop on the healing power of meditation. During an exercise, she was asked to place in an imaginary bubble something that she saw as a problem or a difficulty or an uncomfortable situation or experience. When the bubble popped, she had an immense feeling sensation of energy leaving her body.

Later in the workshop she asked if it was appropriate for her to use some of these tools with her daughter. As the facilitator spoke of doing surrogate healing meditation with her daughter, the woman received a text message of apology from the daughter.

The woman told the group that she had placed a painful text message received a few days prior to the workshop into the bubble… The text message had come from her daughter.

What an instant confirmation of the surrogate bubble!

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do you have a story to share? Send email to

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