Posted February 2, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Timing is Everything

Sacred Stories

Lou was a young pastor just finishing up his first year in his first church. That September, he said to one of his church leaders, “Hey, David, do you think I could take off the Sunday after Thanksgiving?”

“Sure,” he said, “just make sure you get someone to do the service. Are you and your wife going to go away to a football game?”

“No, I will have to leave town that weekend. My Grandmother is going to die then.”

“What? How can you possibly know that?” David demanded.

“Well, she is dying, and when her son, my Uncle, visited her this week, she said her goodbyes to him. He wasn’t ready for that, and made her promise to be with him this Thanksgiving. So she will stay for that, then go.”

About ten weeks later, Lou got the call that his grandmother had died—the day after Thanksgiving. He was able to go to her funeral.

If we listen to the people we love, they will tell us what their plans are!

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do you have a story to share? Send email to

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