Posted September 20, 2014 in Sacred Stories

Toy Gun

One morning as I was driving to meet a friend to walk at the lake, I was listening to an audio about the idea of “ask and you shall receive” and how our pure desires do not sit in conflict to another’s. The story was about a young boy who asked his mother for a toy gun. Not wanting him to have toys of violence, her answer was no. The little boy asked his grandmother to get him a toy gun, but she wisely told him she could not go against his mother’s wishes.

Later that day, as they were out in the woods, jumping in a pile of autumn leaves, the little boy kicked a toy gun! His face said it all, and his grandmother told him since the universe had given it to him, he could keep it.

As I was telling my friend about the story, we came out into the opening, and there on the path was this toy gun!

squirt gunWe told a mutual friend what had happened, and the next day I got a message from her that she parked at work, opened her car door, and right there on the pavement was this one!

squirt gun 2

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