Posted December 12, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Twenty-eight Years-Sueño

Sacred Stories

The three couples were best friends. One of the guys passed away.

They all went to the Biscayne Bay for his memorial. Biscayne Bay is located on the Atlantic coast of South Florida, near Miami.

The boat they went out on to spread his ashes was named Sueño.

Twenty-eight years later, one of the guys went out fishing near his home in Southwest Florida, hours from the location where his friend’s ashes had been spread.

In the distance he saw the name Sueño on a boat. Could it be?

Coming closer, he saw the home port was Miami…

Some interaction with the owner of the boat revealed that this was indeed the same boat!

He took the photos of the boat which had been a part of something so significant for him so long ago. He could barely speak when he told his wife he had seen the boat. He wrote a song about the experience.

His wife sent the recording of the song to their friend’s widow, who opened their email and heard the song on the 28th anniversary of the day of their friend’s passing…

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