Posted September 26, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Unfinished Project

Sacred Stories

Her husband went into the laundry room to get some batteries for his earphones. She heard some grumbling sounds and asked what was going on.

“Oh, this shelf fell down,” he said.

She went in to see if she could help. He had gotten the shelf put back up.

As she looked, however, a dowel pin that was holding up the second from the top shelf was laying on the shelf below the one that had fallen. Now, get this picture. These pins go in so tightly, you need a pair of pliers to pull them out. What are the odds that two pins, on two different shelves, would suddenly fall out?


When they had the second (and more extensive) mold remediation work done in their tiny house, the cabinets in the laundry room were torn out with the wall. Only the uppers had survived. She had made a detailed drawing and asked her brother-in-law to build a new cabinet. But Covid hit and they all went into lock down.

She knew this was her brother-in-law’s way of communicating to them in spirit!

It was perfect.

What better to get their attention than what he likely considered to be an unfinished project!

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