Posted December 31, 2016 in Sacred Stories

Burn Healed

Sacred Stories

She just needed to get outside. Needed some time alone. She went to the farm and walked in the woods.

She hated seeing trash in the stream. Some of the woods had been select cut four years earlier. Now so many saplings had grown up she could barely walk in some parts.

Some of the large trees were leaning down toward the hollow—as if their roots couldn’t hold them straight anymore. As she realized the reason, she cried. Through her tears she apologized for cutting the other trees.

She saw clearly that the trees had been able to stand so straight before because, over the years, they had intertwined all of their roots together. They supported each other in standing tall on the steep hillside.

She thanked the trees for the life they had given her as she grew up.

That night as she readied for bed, she noticed the inch-long burn on the top of her right hand was now only one-half inch and it was already a dry, sealed wound!


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