Posted October 31, 2023 in Sacred Stories

Mantra for Handling Strong Emotions

Following some online sharing, she emailed a Mantra for Handling Strong emotions to a friend who lost her husband 6 months ago, had her home damaged by a hurricane, and is now feeling a lot of fear.

Less than ten minutes later she received a voice mail message from the woman who had shared the Mantra with her originally a few years ago! That woman was in a rehab facility and was asking for the Mantra to be emailed to another friend.

The Mantra was composed by the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hahn, who is known as a philosopher, teacher of peace, and all things positive, and obviously, LIFE is bringing that information forth for all who can benefit from it at this time.

Here it is, along with the original notes from the woman who shared it with me:

Make sure you physically “BREATHE IN” or “BREATHE OUT” at the appropriate place when reciting each line of the mantra; as the actual breath in or out is part of activating the Energy. Use it, every time the emotion arises again, because you are changing how you react to that emotion. It works.

The “live word” of the Mantra replaces any “strong emotion” being worked on; with the appropriate feeling (Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Impatience, Blame, etc.). I will do the example with fear. Also remember that sometimes anger is an unknown component of the fear that a person is holding, because they are not able to control the fear,…. or Fix it.

” Breathing In, I’m aware of the fear,

Breathing Out, I smile to the fear (yes, these are the appropriate words);

Breathing In, I recognize fear as Energy,

Breathing Out, I express Gratitude for Energy;

Breathing In, Energy and Fear are Power,

Breathing Out, I can safely hold Power;

Breathing In, Power supports Wholesome Change,

Breathing Out, I Invite That, which is for The Highest Good! ”

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