Posted October 28, 2023 in Sacred Stories

Tara: Transforming Suffering

The sharing of their small group included looking at “What is my portion of THE pain that I am healing in this lifetime?”

She spoke awareness of a sense of her voice not being heard, including times when it was especially painful because it occurred within the spiritual community. A few examples were given, inviting everyone to look at this collective pain around patriarchy. Within our society, our government, our religions — men having held the power and women having been largely excluded from it. While we can see evidence of progress, males and females alike bear wounds and scars.

One of the other women in the group mentioned a Tara Mantra practice that might be helpful, including a chant to Green Tara which had been recorded by one of their dharma sisters.

48 hours later she sent an email saying: This came in my email today 🙂

Taking Refuge in Tara: How the mantra-based practice of the “Mother of all Buddhas” can transform suffering.

Note* This excerpt is from an online article:

For women, Tara offers representation and empowers them as they engage in spiritual practice. For millennia, religion has been dominated by male iconography, male clergy, and the idea that women lack the capacity for full spiritual development. To have the opportunity to engage in a practice where the central figure is female is affirming.

To see that female figure embodying ultimate wisdom and compassion can bring a fundamental sense of validation and help to heal the impact of years of subjugation and marginalization. One of Tara’s origin stories reflects her experience and understanding of this inequality.

~ The Lion’s Roar: You Are the Divine Feminine

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